Here is today's #WOD!
Thrusters Building to a 5RM
Wide Grip Inverted Rows: 3-4 sets x8-12 reps
(weighted for those with 12 reps at ease)
8 Minute Clock
Ascedngn Ladder:
T2B/Knee Tucks
alt DB Snatch + OH Lunge @@35/20
Coaches Challenge
DB @50/35
DB Complex: complete a DB Snatch and perform and OH Lunge stepping forward with the opposite foot completing a contralateral single arm Overhead lunge
Nice work today, don’t forget to track your progress and check in on Facebook or tag us in your pictures and videos on Instagram. Follow @blackironcf and tag us with the hashtag #blackironcf
Happier. Healthier.
Your friends at Black Iron CrossFit