WARM UP (10 minutes)
2 Rounds of:
Good mornings
Air Squats
2 Rounds of:
No Push Burpees
DB Thrusters
2 Rounds of:
Ball Slams
2 Rounds of:
Sumo Deadlifts
Hang PWR Cleans
*each section should be coach lead and fluid, do not give a rep scheme, have everyone work together as a group and coach throughout
METCON (45 minute CAP)
For time
12 Days of Christmas
1 Thruster @ 135/95
2 Strict Pull-ups
3 Burpees
4 Balls Slams
5 PWR Cleans @ 135/95
6 Sumo Deadlifts @ 135/95
7 Sit-ups
8 Push-ups
9 Ring Rows
10 Calorie Row
11 Shoulder to overhead @ 135/95
12 Calorie Bike