Here is today's #WOD!
A1. Banded Pallof Press: x12 Reps
A2. Weighted Lateral Step ups: x8 reps
A3. Single Arm Suitcase Carry: x40ft
x3-4 Rounds (each) (complete all one sided, then switch)
4 Rounds
12 Box Jumps @24/20” (stepping down)
9 DB Push Presses @35/20
6 DB Front Rack Forward Lunge + Reverse Lunge
w/2 minute rest
During 2 minute rest establish:
Max Wall Squat Hold
score will be one score, total time at the end
for every second held during “wall squat hold” will be subtracted from total score
Coaches Challenge
16 minute cap
Nice work today, don’t forget to track your progress and check in on Facebook or tag us in your pictures and videos on Instagram. Follow @blackironcf and tag us with the hashtag #blackironcf
Happier. Healthier.
Your friends at Black Iron CrossFit