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Writer's pictureBlack Iron Athletics


Here is today's #WOD!

Clean & Jerk:

Building to a heavy for the day

**building to roughly 90is%, not a true 1 rep for the day


Drop Sets @80%: EMOM 3

**complete 1 rep every minute

**percentage taken from today 1 rep

AMRAP 7 @80%

16 Sit-ups

16 Alternating Hang DB Snatches @35/20

16 Wallballs @20/14

Rest 1 minute

2 Minute Row: Max Distance

Directly Into:

AMRAP 7 @80%

8 Sit-ups

8 Alternating Hang DB Snatches @35/20

8 Wallballs @20/14

Rest 1 minute

2 Minute Row: Max Distance

Coaches Challenge


DB @50/35

WB @30/20

Stay positive and have fun! You are on your way to a happier & healthier life.

Nice work today, don’t forget to track your progress and check in on Facebook or tag us in your pictures and videos on Instagram. Follow @blackironcf and tag us with the hashtag #blackironcf

Happier. Healthier.

Your friends at Black Iron CrossFit

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