Join us today as we pay our tribute to the fallen and honor the living sacrifice of those who survived the Battle of Mogadishu. This year is the 30th anniversary of that battle.
The Mogadishu Mile is a 4 km run that U.S. Army Rangers and Special Forces soldiers ran during the Battle of Mogadishu in October 1993. The soldiers ran from a helicopter crash site to a rally point held by the 10th Mountain Division on National Street. The battle took place in Mogadishu, Somalia, and is also known as the Black Hawk Down incident.
Mogadishu Mile
4 rounds for time
19 DB Snatch (or) KB Swings
19 Goblet Squats (with your weight)
19/19 Push-ups with your hand on the weight (both sides)
400m Run with the weight
RX DB @ 50/30 (or) KB @ 54/35