WARM UP (10 minutes)
8 minutes of:
8 Good mornings
2 Inch Worms
8 Alt Reverse Lunges
20-second Plate overhead hold
20-second Jump Rope
STRENGTH (16 minutes)
Sumo Deadlift
Superset with 8 alternating Cossack Squats
Level 1) Use a KB & reverse lunges in place of the cossack squats
Level 2) Every set should be moderate to heavy and unbroken
METCON (20 minutes)
AMRAP in 20 minutes (Rounds + reps)
2 Wall Walks
10 Box Jumps over @ 20/24"
20 Russian KB Swings @ 54/35
40 Lunges (body weight)
80 Double unders
Level 1) Pike Walks, Plate Jumps, Lighter KB, 20 Lunges & 80 Singles
Level 2) As Designed
Level 3) 20" Handstand Walk, Box @ 24/30", & KB @ 70/54