WARM UP (10 minutes)
8 minutes of
25/25" Bottom-up KB Carry
8 alt Worlds Greatest Stretch
8 No Push Burpees
25 second Ski (or) Bike
STRENGTH (16 minutes)
4 Rounds for Quality
6-8 KB Z-Press
20/20 second Side Plank March
8-12 DB Bent Over Row
20-30 second Handstand Hold
METCON (20 minutes)
EMOM for 20 minutes (4 Rounds for reps)
M1) MAX reps KB Push Press
M2) MAX reps Strict Pull-ups (or) Ring Rows
M3) MAX reps Slam Ball OTS
M4) MAX reps Toes to bar (or) V-ups
All Levels) Pick weights and methods that will allow you to keep moving!