WARM UP FLOW (10 minutes)
2 rounds for quality
Good Mornings > Plate RDL
Glute Bridges
Plate Jumps > Broad Jumps
Air Squats > Plate Squats
Single Leg RDL + Hip Airplanes
LOADING (6 minutes)
Load the barbell for the first set below.
STRENGTH (18 minutes) (3:30 each round)
For Quality
9 Deadlifts
5 Seated Box Jumps
6 Deadlifts
5 Seated Box Jumps
3 Deadlifts
5 Seated Box Jumps
6 Deadlifts
5 Seated Box Jumps
9 Deadlifts
5 Seated Box Jumps
Log the weight on the bar each round.
Level 1) Use DBs or KBs instead of the bar and jump to a plate. For lower impact you can do glute bridges or hip extensions
Level 2) Build to a heavy 3 and beat the 6 and 9 reps on the back end.
METCON (12 minutes)
AMRAP in 12 minutes (Rounds + reps)
12 Single Arm DB Hang Squat Clean @ 40/20
9 Single Arm Thrusters
6 Single Arm Overhead Lunges
24 Sit-ups
12 Single Arm DB Hang Squat Clean
9 Single Arm Thrusters
6 Single Arm Overhead Lunges
24 Sit-ups
Level 1) Go light enough to do each movement unbroken
Level 2) As designed
Level 3) DB @ 50/30 & 18 GHDs