WARM UP (15 minutes)
Knee Pulls
Quad Pulls
With a PVC
Arm Circles
Single Arm Rotations
Around the Worlds
Pass Throughs
Front Rack Stretch
Good Morning
Air Squats
2 Rounds (PVC > Barbell)
Clean Drives
High Pulls
Hang PWR Cleans
Front Squat
Shoulder Press > Push Press > Thruster
STRENGTH (20 minutes)
Every 2 minutes for 10 rounds
PWR Clean + Front Squat + Thruster
Level 1) Using DBs and do the complex 5-8 times every 2 minutes
Level 2) As Designed
Level 3) Add a Split Jerk at the end of the complex
METCON (10 minutes)
3 Rounds for time (9 minute CAP)
21 Deadlifts @ 115/85
15 Front Squats @ 115/85
9 Burpees over the bar
Level 1) Using a KB and regular burpees
Level 2) As designed
Level 3) Barbell @ 135/95