WARM UP (15 minutes)
With a PVC
Arm Circles
Single Arm Rotations
Around the Worlds
Pass Throughs
Front Rack Stretch
2 Rounds (PVC > Barbell)
Clean Drives
High Pulls
Hang PWR Cleans
Front Squat
Squat Cleans
Shoulder Press > Push Press > Jerk
STRENGTH (15 minutes)
Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds
3 Clean & Jerk
Scored by the weight on the bar each round. Also, record your heaviest triple.
Level 1) Using DBs and increasing the reps to 6-10 each round
Level 2) As Designed, increase the weight at your discretion
METCON (20 minutes)
5 Rounds for reps
1 minute of Box Jumps @ 24/20"
1 minute of HSPUs
1 minute of Echo Bike
1 minute of REST
Level 1) Box Step-ups and DB Push Press
Level 2) As Designed
Level 3) Box height @ 30/24" and 45/25# plate Deficit HSPUs