WARM UP (12 minutes)
Ski-lay Race (4 minutes)
Two teams will race to accumulate as many calories as possible in 4 minutes. Coach will cue athletes to rotate at random intervals.
2 Rounds (8 minutes)
Bird Dogs
T Spine Rotations > Worlds Greatest Stretch
Alt Plank Toe Touches > Push-ups into Down Dog
Alternating Scorpions
T-W-Y (with small plates)
Arnold Press
SKILL (8 minutes)
Level 1) Using a Bench (or) Box
Level 2) using the Rig Attachment
Level 3) Ring Dips
STRENGTH (20 minutes)
Push Press
Level 1) Using DBs
Level 2) Recommended percentages (70-75-80-85-90-95+%)
METCON (12 minutes)
For time (12 minute CAP)
50 Thrusters @ 45/35
25 No Push Rebounding Burpees OTB
30 Thrusters @ 45/35
15 No Push Rebounding Burpees OTB
10 Thrusters @ 45/35
5 No Push Rebounding Burpees OTB
500m Shuttle Run
Level 1) Using a PVC instead of a barbell and Bike 1-1.5km Bike instead of the Shuttle Run
Level 2) As Designed
Level 3) Barbell @ 75/55